Your personal project report should "summarize the experiences and skills recorded in the process journal" (Personal Project Guide 45). All reports must meet the following criteria:
3 minute audio or audio-visual and 1,200-2,800 words
6 minute audio or audio-visual and 900-2,100 words
9 minute audio or audio-visual and 600 to 1,400 words
12 minute audio or audio-visual and 300-700 words
- The report must be divided into sections that correspond with the four objectives: planning, investigation, taking action, and reflection.
- Each section must address all of the strands for that objective.
- You can decide how you would like to format your report. As listed on page 46 of the Personal Project Guide, there are four options:
- Written format: This is a 1,500-3,500 word paper that is divided into sections (planning, investigation, taking action, and reflection) with sub-headings that address each criterion for that objective. For example, you might have a heading titled "Investigation" and then sub-headings that address your goal (what it is and why you chose it), the global context, your prior knowledge of the topic and how you built upon that knowledge, and your research.
- Electronic format (such as a website, blog, Prezi or PowerPoint): For this format, you need 1,500-3,500 words, and your report needs to be divided into sections that address the four major objectives (investigation, planning, taking action, and reflection) and the bullet points under each objective.
- Oral Report (podcast or oral presentation): The oral report must be 13-15 minutes. It should address each of the four major objectives and the bullet points for each objective. Oral reports will be presented to some students in your year.
- Visual Format (short film): The short film must be 13-15 minutes in length and must address each of the four objectives and the bullet points for each objective.
- Written and audio/visual combined format: According to page 46 of the Personal Project Guide, formats that combine written with audio or audio-visual formats must adhere to the following guidelines for word count and time:
3 minute audio or audio-visual and 1,200-2,800 words
6 minute audio or audio-visual and 900-2,100 words
9 minute audio or audio-visual and 600 to 1,400 words
12 minute audio or audio-visual and 300-700 words
- No matter which format you choose, you must submit the following with your report or presentation:
- the personal project cover sheet..
- the completed academic honesty form
- 10 process journal extracts.
- bibliography in APA format